A propos du projet eVeg

L'application eVeg est une interface de consultation des données de baseveg augmentée de fonctionnalités permettant le développement collaboratif du site web.

L'application a été réalisée et est maintenue de manière bénévole. Le projet ne bénéficie d’aucune subvention.

The development choices are made by the lead authors in consultation with theTela Botanica team.


Databases are form the Philippe Julve CATMINAT program.,

web development by Stéphane Delplanque,

translations (Spanish, German) by Florent Beck,

many resources are from the TB-Phyto discussion group,

this project is made within the Tela Botanica network.

About baseveg and baseflor

baseveg and baseflor are two databases from the CATMINAT (catalog of natural environments) program, by Philippe Julve.
baseveg presents a classification system for vegetations (synsystem) establishes within the integrated synusial phytosociology. It first covered France and has been extended to Europe. This database also gives ecological traits and geographical repartition data (France and Europe).
baseflor is about floristical data and follow the BDTFX repository, coordinated by Benoit Bock within the Tela Botanica network. In addition, baseflor contains data about species cycle life, phytosociological affinity and ecological valences. It allows to link a specie and a vegetation through the CATMINAT code.

General project organization

Project organization


The 'baseveg' and 'baseflor' databases, by Philippe Julve, are under Open Database license.

The 'e-veg.net' website is under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license. Its source code is available at https://github.com/steph-del/eveg.

Photographs uploaded on eVeg are the property of their own authors and are available under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license.

PDF files uploaded on eVeg are under their original license.