Acta Botanica 17. (1971)

1971 / 1-2. szám - SOÓ REZSŐ: Aufzählung der Assoziationen der ungarischen Vegetation nach den neueren zönosystematisch-nomenklatorischen Ergebnissen

Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 17 (1—2), pp. 127—179 (1971) AUFZÄHLUNG DER ASSOZIATIONEN DER UNGARISCHEN VEGETATION NACH DEN NEUEREN ZÖNOSYSTEMATISCH­­NOMENKLATORISCHEN ERGEBNISSEN Von R. Soó BOTANISCHER GARTEN DER L.-EÖTVÖS-UNIVERSITÄT, BUDAPEST (Eingegangen am 20. XII. 1970) On the strength of recent literature published since the author’s earlier reviews (Acta Bot. Hung. 1957 — 1963 and Synops. florae veget. Hungáriáé I. 1964) a new enumeration of the phytocoenoses of the Hungarian vegetation is furnished here. Today the basic unit of the system is the regional (territorial) association in contrast with the former association of a wide concept (e.g. Hauptassoziation by Knapp; Ass.-gruppe by Passarge). The regional association cannot have a geographical name, as has been the usage in the domestic literature up to now; only the geographical varieties can be denominated in that way. Therefore, numerous Hungarian regional associations must have been given a new, double name. These are as follows: Chry­­santhemo (serotino)-Phragmitetum (Scirpo-Phr. austro-orientale), Veronico-Glycerietum plicatae, Carici-Calamagrostetum neglectae (Cal. negl. hungaricum), Schoenoplecto (ameri­­cano)-Juncetum maritimi (June. mar. balatonicum), Carici-Typhoidetum (Phalaridetum auct. p. p.), Agrostietum соarctatae-tenuis and Festuco tenuifoliae-Agr. tenuis (Agr. tenuis auct.), Luzulo albidae-Callunetum (Calluno-Genistetum auct.), Carici davallianae- Juncetum subnodulosi (June. subn. pannonicum), Agrostio-Poëtum triviális Soó 38 (Agr. albae hungaricum), Agrostio-Typhoidetum (Phalaridetum auct. p. p.), Carici-Alopecure­­tum pratensis (Alop. prat, hungaricum), Nasturtio-Petasitetum (Geranio-Filipenduletum petasitetosum), Anthyllido-Festucetum rubrae (Festuco-Cynosuretum auct.), Lepidio- Festucetum pseudovinae (Artemisio-Fest, pseud, danubiale), Poo badensi-Caricetum humilis (Car. hum. pannonicum), Campanulo-Stipetum tirsae Meusel 38 (Stip. steno­­phyllae pannonicum), as well as numerous segetal-ruderal phytocoenoses. The subassociations described recently have also been enumerated. To be crossed out: Xerobrometum erecti laitaicum Soó (41) 59: this belongs to the Medicagini-Festucetum valesiacae. The second part of the paper treats forests and shrubberies. In Hungary these are mostly specific associations not identical with those described from the West. On the basis of causes and principles discussed in the first part, here also the re-de­­nomination of numerous phytocoenoses has become necessary. These are: Rusco- Fraxino-Ulmetum (Fraxino pannonicae-Ulmetum praeillyricum), Laureolae-Fagetum (Melitti-Fagetum hungaricum), Cyclamini-Fagetum (Mel.-Fag. noricum), Mercuriali- Tilietum bakonyicum (scutellarietosum columnae), Waldsteinio-Querco-Carpinetum (Quer­­co petraeae-Carp. slovenicum), Querco petraeae-Carpinetum balatonicum and laitaicum, Castaneo-Querco-Carpinetum (Q. petr.-Carp. transdanubicum), Chrysanthemo (corymboso)­­Luzulo-Quercetum (Genisto tinctoriae-Quercetum subcarpaticum), Genisto-Querco-Carpine­­tum (Luzulo-Querco-Carpinetum subcar paticum), Galio rotundifolio-Fagetum (Descham­­psio-Fagetum noricum), Orno-Luzulo-Fagetum nom. prov. (Desch.-Fag. mecsekense), Querco cerri-Luzulo-Fagetum (Desch.-Fag. subcarpaticum), Inulo spiraeifoliae-Querce­­tum pubescentis (Cotino-Querc. mecsekense), Rusco-Orno-Quercetum (Orno-Querc. mecse­kense), Deschampsio-Quercetum robori-cerris (Quere, petraeae-cerris praenoricum), Aspho­­delo-Quercetum robori-cerris Borhidi (Q. petr.-cerris transdanubicum), Quercetum robori­­cerris Csapody, Genisto pilosae-Orno-Quercetum polycarpae Borhidi, Festuco-Populo- Quercetum (Conv.-Quere, danubiale); Phlomidi-Amygdaletum v. Ph.-Prunetum tenellae (Amygd. nanae auct.), — the word auctor generally refers to Soó — are further new geographical varieties and subassociations. The Transdanubian lime-sensitive Scotch fir-woods (Genisto nervatae-Pinetum, Aulacomnio-Pinetum) are classified to the Pino- Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 17, 1971
